Beyond Lazada eCommerce: Pristine

“We chose to sell on Lazada because it is known amongst Singaporeans as the go-to platform for quality goods. As this pandemic has proven to us, E-commerce is becoming more and more relevant, and the trend is definitely not going to stop here.”
In this episode of Beyond Lazada eCommerce, we talked to Judy, the Regional E-Commerce Lead from Pristine on the brand’s journey onto the online marketplace and how working with Lazada and their Key Account Manager (KAM) supported and boosted their brand online.
As a LazMall seller who had only joined the platform in May 2020, Pristine quickly rose in ranks and became one of Lazada’s top aromatherapy brands. In fact, the brand was only founded in 2020 after discovering a market gap in reed diffusers!
Growing from a team of two to a team of nine, Pristine now has staff based both in Singapore and Malaysia. With most of their staff working from home since the pandemic, the brand continued to do its best to fulfil all orders daily with a reliable warehouse operation team. This commitment to service allowed Pristine to ship out orders as soon as possible, reducing the waiting time for their customers from the ordering to receiving of their products.
And just like any new e-commerce sellers, Pristine went through a phase where sales were slow and new customers were hard to obtain. To combat these and to increase visibility, the brand started taking part in Lazada’s Mega Campaigns.
“Ever since we joined all of the Mega Campaigns, especially our Surprise Boxes, we actually saw that our surprise boxes were always wiped out within minutes.”
Lazada’s Surprise Boxes are specially curated brand boxes that are extremely limited and offer some of the best products and deals for customers. For Pristine, offering surprise boxes allowed them to “gain new and returning customers that we believe, saw the quality in our Reed Diffusers, and all of our different products.”
“We secured the Platinum Lazada Annual Package, and it helped us gain exposure via different features such as Lazlive, Brand Mega Offer (BMO) and Brand of the Day (BOTD),” Judy shared. These features supported the brand in growing its Lazada store effectively.
Not only is Judy the Regional E-Commerce Lead for Pristine, she is also one of the resident Key Opinion Leader (KOL) of the brand. Taking part in LazLive regularly allowed Pristine to “talk to the customers”, answering any of their customers’ doubts and questions immediately.
Continuing to utilise LazLive to the brand’s benefit, Pristine is able to bring giveaways and attractive vouchers to new and returning customers. Through this feature, they had also realised that LazLive was able to provide substantial sales uplifts, bringing their products to a wider audience and converting them into customers.
For every business, there are unique challenges that can seem impossible to overcome, especially when they first started out in the e-commerce sphere. For Pristine, it is the question of how to bring their unique aromatherapy scents into photos and descriptions.
“Everyone has a different taste of what they like, so descriptions and reviews are not enough for customers to know if a particular scent is what they are going for. To counter this, we came out with our scent samples so that customers can try and test before purchasing a full-sized reed diffuser.”
The Pristine Reed Diffuser Scent Sample, which the team had “painstakingly cut every reed stick and soak it into the different scents that we have”, is the solution for Pristine. The scent sample pack allows new customers to have a sample of the various scents they offer in their store, and had come in especially useful, aiding them in narrowing down the scent they like before deciding to purchase a full reed diffuser or candle for.
Aiding Pristine in their Lazada journey is also Jolene, the brand’s KAM. “Understanding Pristine’s brand is very important as it allows us to work effectively towards the same goals,” Jolene shared.
Supporting the brand through their sales campaigns, ensuring that their Flash Sales slots are secured, providing resources to increase visibility and exposure for new launches are just some of the things that a brand’s Account Manager on Lazada can help.
This is also echoed by Judy, who emphasized the importance of having a good relationship with their KAM. “Most importantly, I would think is to keep a very good relationship with your Account Manager. So there are things like the submissions and deadlines, submission for any Mega Campaigns, or even coming up with suggestions for new launches. All of these, without our Account Manager’s help, Pristine wouldn’t be where we are now.”
We hope everyone had picked up some tips from Pristine through this new episode and don’t forget to tune in to our next episode of “Beyond Lazada Ecommerce” as we have many more seller stories to uncover!